health and safety services

We can assist you in meeting a particular short term Health and Safety (E) goals or provide a longer term solution to your HSE obligations and requirements.


Our services include:

Our HSE consultancy services are totally flexible – available as ad hoc or on a ‘Pay as you go’ basis. You tell us when and how you require our input and we will deliver.

Or our ‘Pay as you Go’ option, where time modules are purchased and used how and when you want to are favoured by some clients.

You might be a small business with fewer than 5 employees. You might be a larger organisation that is already well covered on HSE, but need some additional HSE input.

A new management system, an accident at work requiring thorough investigation, an office move triggering the need for ergonomic assessments, a business process change prompting the need for new risk assessments, interim HSE services to support a specific project – a few examples of the range of different services we can offer, which will be tailored to meet your individual business needs. 

Health and safety policies:

A written health and safety policy is a legal requirement for any company with 5 or more employees. This policy must contain a statement of intent, will demonstrate a commitment by your senior leadership to the welfare of your employees will need to reflect your business culture and will satisfy your corporate and social responsibility. 

A robust policy is key to complying with the Health and Safety at Work Act, Act 85 of 1993 . It also sends a clear message to your customers that you are compliant, responsible and accountable.

  • Formal or friendly audits
  • Accident investigation and reporting
  • Risk Assessment
  • Fire Risk Assessment
  • Driving Risk Assessment
  • Risk assessment and inspection
  • Method statements
  • Gap analysis and accreditation support
  • Site Safety Audits and Inspections
  • Environmental surveys
  • Asbestos – Management
  • Warehouse safety inspections
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hse management systems:

Management Systems and documentation in a nutshell includes HSE policies, procedures, statements and forms. 

A robust management system will ensure good practice and protect the welfare of employees and contractors.  Perception of HSE documentation is not always as positive as it could be and this can hinder its impact. We strive to challenge this view by creating fresh, contemporary and attractive. 

We are experienced in creating brand new HSE documentation or working to review and update an existing system, ready for a re-launch.

Workplace reviews can encompass a wide range of auditing, inspection & survey and can be undertaken in-house by staff, your ‘Competent person’ or an external auditor. Regardless of the specific activity, all workplace reviews are critical proactive tools in the management of health and safety. They help identify hazards and risks and demonstrates your commitment to HSE.

health and wellbeing:

The health and well-being of employees will be of paramount importance for any conscientious employer. Global Safety Resources can support employers in considering the health and well-being of their employees and can assist them in implementing effective initiatives, that don’t have to be costly or time consuming but place your employees health and well-being as one of the highest priorities within your business. We can offer display screen equipment assessment, workplace and ergonomic assessments and wellbeing initiatives.

get compliant today

Speak to our highly trained consultants about your business needs and let us help find a solution.